Lonely And Thriving

In Conversation with Matt Payne

Welcome to “In Layers”, a series of conversations that explore how the creative practices of photographers inform their images, guide their process, intersect with their personal lives and interests, and shape the landscape of nature photography as an art form. You know those people that seem to have talent coming out of their ears? Matt


Turning Down The Volume

Eric discusses a more quiet approach to photography rather than the usual approach on social media of yelling to get attention with bold images.

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Are Your Landscape Compositions Lacking? Try This

Learn how to tell a story using composition. Use visual weight to balance the characters in your image. Communicate the depth of of the 3d world in a 2d medium.


Working through Creative Slumps

Gary Randall describes his struggles with creative slumps and how to work your way through them when you hit this inevitable roadblock as an artist.


Take Your Bearings

“To chart a course, one must have a direction. In reality, the eye is no better than the philosophy behind it.” ~Berenice Abbott As a child, I loved everything wild and natural. Animals, landscapes, trees, flowers, seashores, deserts, mountains—the more removed from the artificial world of humanity, the better. I spent much of my time

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Esquisses and Raw files

Alain shares his views on the art of post-processing in the digital darkroom and how it compares to musical scores.