Herringbone Hills

The Introvert Game

Guy dives into the world of introverted nature photographers. What makes us different, and how we can learn to understand each other.

Oscure Presenze

Photographing Your Dark Side

Antonio explores the human psyche to express his dark side through his hauntingly beautiful photography.

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In Conversation with Anna Morgan

Anna and Jessie discuss being a photographer while having children, Anna’s connection to the environment, her creative process, and conservation photography.

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Seeing Beneath the Surface

Alister discusses the negative impacts of photographing with expectations and how we can change our mindset to see beyond things and ourselves.

Lonely And Thriving

In Conversation with Matt Payne

Welcome to “In Layers”, a series of conversations that explore how the creative practices of photographers inform their images, guide their process, intersect with their personal lives and interests, and shape the landscape of nature photography as an art form. You know those people that seem to have talent coming out of their ears? Matt


Turning Down The Volume

Eric discusses a more quiet approach to photography rather than the usual approach on social media of yelling to get attention with bold images.