Nature Vision Articles

Category: Creative Articles

Long-form articles focused on creativity and the artistic side of photography.

Swalton Image3

The Value of a Mental Image Library

Scott Walton discusses the importance of having a mental image library, and how it helps him to create more purposeful imagery.

Mountain Lady's Slipper Duo (Cypripedium Montanum)

A Sense of Place

David Cobb speaks on the idea of creating a sense of place through photographing more locally.


Look Again

Eric discusses the fruits of close observation and an open mind in this new article, inspired by a local aspen grove.

River Dance 2018

Making the Impossible, Possible

Hans Strand speaks on his experience making the impossible, possible, through the combination of flying and photography.

Kents Place

Great Photographs – They Happen When You Happen

A homage by Bruce Hucko to those moments when a thought, a person, or some other bolt of outside inspiration gets us out of our funk, off our butts, and moving to make something marvelous happen.


The Perils of Pressure

Eric speaks on the negative aspects of pressure and how they affect our creativity and practices as nature photographers.

Matt Payne NPN 1

Is Nature Photography Considered Art?

Matt brings to light his personal feelings regarding whether nature photography is considered art, an age-old debate which, ultimately, has no one answer.

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