Nature Vision Articles

Category: Creative Articles

Long-form articles focused on creativity and the artistic side of photography.

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Slow Photography

Cody explores the ideas behind slow photography


Enhancing Mood

Eric talks about the benefits of adding mood to your images and the different ways to get there with light, color, vignettes, and removing context.

Lost in a Fog

Ed explains why he loves photographing in the fog and how it adds mood and mystery to your photographs

Sarah Marino DV Twilight Dunes 1200px Watermark 1 1024x683

RULES: An Enemy of Personal Expression

Sarah explains why rules are a barrier to your personal expression and why you should ignore much of the advice you receive when it comes to your photography.

Dark moody forest scene with green trees and darkness


Why do we photograph? It’s a simple enough question. There are a variety of reasons. Most landscape photographers will tell you that it’s in order to be outdoors and enjoy the natural world. I’ve never felt comfortable with that answer.

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